Trekking For CDH

BBQ Competition & The track MEAT

100% of the proceeds go to Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia International (CDHI) for research and awareness of CDH

Team Entry

Register using the link below


Master Series

Ancillary (Ribs)

Kids Que

SCA Steak A/B

The Track MEAT

Registration for one-mile fun run from Pierron Improvement Club (PIC Park). The Track MEAT registration includes “pit stops” for meat treats and a long-sleeved maroon event T-shirt. Adult and youth shirts are available. If you are unable to attend, a committee member will deliver or mail it to your home.

Please join us for some fun after the run!


Please use the link below to volunteer for this year’s event. We appreciate any and all volunteers!





Send check payable to Trekking for CDH to:

Trekking for CDH

345 Baden Ave

Pocahontas, IL


Learn More


We are Rachel Von Hatten and Amanda Korte, the proud mothers of two CDH survivors - Tucker Von Hatten and Barrett Korte.  Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a birth defect where a hole develops in the diaphragm.  This hole allows abdominal organs to enter the chest cavity, which prevents the lungs from developing fully and can also displace the heart.  1600 babies are born with CDH each year in the US and of them only 50% survive.  The cause of CDH is unknown.  Although it is not rare, it is virtually unheard of.  Most research and awareness is provided by families of children affected by CDH. 


More info and mission

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH) is a birth defect that affects 1 in every 2500 births.  The diaphragm fails to form completely allowing the abdominal organs to migrate into the lung space.  This denies the lungs the space they need to develop properly and shifts the heart.  Only 50% of these babies survive.  This birth defect requires life-saving surgery within days of birth.  Babies born with CDH suffer from lifelong complications such as underdeveloped lungs, inability to eat due to severe reflux and oral aversions, asthma, developmental delay, and bowel issues, among other things.  They are often readmitted to the hospital multiple times after birth.

 The mission of Trekking for CDH is to raise money for CDH awareness and research.  We strive to support families struggling through the CDH diagnosis and ongoing medical problems.  Tucker’s Trek was started by the mother CDH survivor, Tucker Von Hatten, and was soon joined by the mother of another CDH survivor, Barrett Korte, and therefore changed the name to Trekking for CDH.  Our mission is to continue to raise funds for research and awareness in honor of our warriors.

All funds raised will be sent to CDH International (CDHI).  CDHI is an organization that fights for the standardization of treatment for CDH babies.  Standardization of treatment will allow the continuation in care advancements, more research, and technological advances.  CDHI continues to spread awareness through multiple events throughout the world.  Support is provided to families with children diagnosed with CDH through CDHI.  CDHI has provided support to both Barrett and Tucker’s families throughout their CDH journeys as well.

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